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Innovation fund


The Innovation Challenge Fund (ICF) is a competitive grant/fund around pre-defined theme. It seeks to finance innovative and potentially scalable pilot approaches. The purpose is to build evidence of what works to improve systems for better governance and service delivery that meet the needs of poor and marginalized people of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

  • Public Financial Management, including Enhancing Fiscal Space
  • Public Sector Planning and other Governance Challenges
  • Local Government Capacity and Municipal Services
  • Transparency, Accountability, and Inclusion

The maximum project duration allowed will be 18 months, and there is no defined minimum duration.

Maximum funding for a single grant will depend on the selected themes under the new ICF round and will be communicated at the time of the application. Previously, the limit was set to £300,000 per grant pilot.

The ICF is open for ideas to all. SNG believes that good ideas can come from anywhere, be it the private sector, civil society, or a government institution. However, individuals will have to partner with a registered entity to meet the eligibility requirement. Further information will be provided in the terms sheet once the new round is launched.

Timelines will be announced at the time of the launch of the new round. Typically, the application process has two stages. In the first stage, applicants are required to submit online a concept note, outlining the project idea and details of the applicant entity, demonstrating that they meet both the eligibility criteria. In the second stage, the successful applicants from the first stage, will be asked to submit a detailed application, through a Request for Proposal (RFP) covering the entire business case for the pilot project, and the financing requirements. Applications will be reviewed, and final applicants will be granted funding after the award decision has been made by the Provincial Steering Committee.

Once a new round is opened, applicants can submit their concept notes online through the SNG’s website only.

Approximately, within 40 days of the last date of submission of concept notes, the shortlisted applicants will be notified to submit their proposals. The evaluation criteria will also be conveyed as part of the RFP.

Typically, the short-listed applicants will have one month, after the issuing of the RFP, to submit the detailed application.

The innovative idea can be about provincial or district level issues, but if it is about a district level issue, it must be within SNG pilot districts.

In Punjab: Sialkot, Kasur, Nankana Sahib, Multan, Bahawalpur and Rahim Yar Khan.

In KP: Swat, Lower Dir, Bajaur, Shangla, Haripur, Swabi, Buner, Manserah, Kohat, Hangu, Lakki Marwat and Bannu.

Please note that, the district list may be a subset of these long lists, depending on the specifics of the new ICF round.

A private sector applicant must contribute 20% of the total project cost from their own resources. This can be a cash contribution or in-kind. This precise quantum of the required contribution may be subject to change in line with the themes selected under the new round at the time of its launch. If the applicant is a public sector institution, then no contribution is required.

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