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planning and

planning and


SNG supports the provincial and local governments in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) to strengthen:

  • Planning Systems to ensure plans are evidence-based
  • Budgetary Processes to ensure budgets deliver policy
  • Execution Capacity to ensure budgets are executed as planned

SNG worked with Planning and Development Departments (P&D) to:

Strengthen planning capability through interventions such as:

Public Investment Management Assessment-based multiyear Planning Reform Strategy, with focus on project appraisal, risk assessment, effective asset management, climate mainstreaming and repurposing and strengthening departmental planning cells

Strengthen budget process through:

Evidence-based macro-fiscal forecasting and strategic budget guidance to line departments to strengthen policy-budget linkage, integrated budgeting to align service delivery and investment budgets

Strengthen Budget Execution through:

Building capability for better and enhanced financial analysis, budget execution reporting and course correction through regular budget execution reviews

Public Financial Management Act Support

To underpin all of the above and much more, SNG supported both provinces to develop and promulgate their Public Financial Management Acts, a major constitutional requirement since 1973

Automation in improving the quality of Annual Development Programme (ADP)

“SNG is helping to automate project formulation and approval in the P&D across all departments, divisions and districts to improve the quality of development planning in Punjab”

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