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Innovation and
Action Research

Innovation and
Action Research


SNG fosters innovation in public sector governance using a Challenge Fund and Action Research window. This initiative supports innovation across the three SNG workstreams: planning and budgeting, institutional strengthening, and fiscal space. The Fund provides governments the ‘thinking space’ and risk-free ‘catalytic investments’ to try to tackle complex governance problems and provide innovative solutions that are contextually relevant and have a chance to sustain.

Key steps in SNG’s innovation cycle are:

Joint Issue Identification and Problem Definition

Ensure ownership by involving critical stakeholders in identifying issues and defining problems before they are addressed

Co-creating Solutions With Reform Working Groups

Collaborate with department-led Reform Working Groups, headed by Secretaries, to strengthen ownership and commitment to scale solutions

Monitoring Progress During The Execution of Innovations

Again, led by Reform Working Groups led by department Secretaries, to ensure the full innovation process is understood and ready for adoption by the departments in case of success

Ensuring Adoption And Scale-Up

Provide follow-up support as needed to help create enabling regulatory environment to sustain wider scale up

In Other Appropriate Situations, SNG Supports Action Research

focusing on the burning governance issues to deepen understanding and generate solution options

Saving Funds, Saving Lives

SNG is helping make the health sector public procurement system efficient and transparent through the adoption of an electronic procurement system.

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