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Challenge Fund &
action research

The Innovation Challenge Fund & Action Research seeks to fund innovative and potentially scalable pilot approaches and conduct action research to build evidence of what reform works that eventually contributes to improving governance resulting in effective service delivery that in particular meet the needs of poor and marginalised people in SNG target districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Punjab.

The objective of the ICF is to fund innovative ‘pilots’ that will support areas such as public financial management, planning, revenue mobilization, delivery of municipal services, accountability and transparency and other areas of reform strongly linked to three technical outputs of the SNG Programme that may not be possible through a standard Technical Assistance as it requires additional financial and thinking space.

The purpose of AR is to tackle tough reform questions, understand problems better by engaging researchers closer to the action as it unfolds and to draw learnings and iterations to resolve, uncover positive deviance in governance reform, and ensure the best targeting and delivery of the Technical Assistance provided under SNG.