Impact Activities
PFM laws pending since 1973 enacted
KP and Punjab Public Financial Management Acts fulfill a long-standing constitutional requirement; promote rule-based, efficient, transparent and accountable financial management

SNG helps create a fiscal space of PKR 290 billion
A combination of revenue mobilization and expenditure-saving efforts in KP and Punjab yield an additional PKR 290 billion for fiscal year 2023-24.
Automation boosts local tax revenue
SNG-supported automation of Tax on Transfer of Immovable Property plugs leakages and yields an additional PKR 1.5 billion in Quarter 1 of FY 2023-24 (up 37% over the same period last year)
Taxing Online Services generates PKR 300 million
Extending Sales Tax to the purchase of online services, such as Netflix and Google etc. brings in an additional revenue of PKR 300 million
Stamp duty up by PKR 1.5 billion
An increase of PKR 1.5 billion in Stamp Duty in FY22-23 represented a year-on-year increase of 28%
Punjab Green Financing Strategy
While laying the roadmap for green financing, it enabled Punjab to access $50 million under the World Bank’s PRIDE Program

Additional PKR 300 billion in three year
Punjab’s Medium-Term Revenue Mobilization Strategy aims to generate an additional PKR 300 billion over three years (FY2023-2026)
Commodity debt halved
Punjab retired PKR 469 billion of circular debt on account of wheat subsidy in FY2024 (58% reduction)
Over 300,000 informal workers registered
Over 333,000 informal workers (25% women) formally recognized through an Informal Worker’s Registry, now accessible in the event of a potential disaster such as Covid
82,000 elderly women receiving regular assistance
Bahimmat Buzurg Programme: 82,000 elderly women receive a monthly cash benefit of PKR 2,000, enhancing their financial security
Pension liability reduced by PKR 100 billion
The new contributory pension scheme reduces the future pension liability by PKR 100 billion over the next five years, 25% of government’s FY 2022-23 pension costs
PKR 50-70 billion annual savings
Reforming the current pension scheme (decision expected soon) will result in additional annual savings of PKR 50-70 billion, reducing between 13 and 18% of pension cost for FY 2022-23
Food security for 700,000 vulnerable individuals
Using the Punjab Socio-economic Registry, the Rashan Raiyat Programme afforded food security to 700,000 vulnerable individuals
PKR 8 billion compensation for flood victims
PKR 8 billion, covering 80% of flood losses, paid in FY2022-23, from a contingent allocation without affecting government priorities
Pension reform in action, PKR85 billion Saved
Raising minimum voluntary retirement age led to 22% reduction in pension liability, saving PKR 85.49 billion in FY2023-24
Borrowing costs down by PKR 18 billion
Vigilant negotiations with banks result in better repayment terms and reduce borrowing costs by PKR 18 billion

Additional funding for Newly Merged Districts
KP enabled to negotiate with federal government a merit-based allocation for newly merged districts: PKR 338 billion as arrears followed by PKR 140 billion annually through NFC
Identifying 30% increased Revenue Target
A review committee meeting identified an additional revenue target of 30% (PKR 20 billion (£62 million)) over last year’s actual revenue collection
Unblocking the windfall levy
KP’s share of the ‘windfall levy’ on oil will generate PKR 58.2 billion (£179 million) in arrears that have been stuck since 2013, and projected PKR 10-12 billion (£31-37 million) annually, depending on the global oil market
Doubling Infrastructure Development levy
Rationalising infrastructure development tax promises an additional PKR 3 billion annually for better infrastructure maintenance
Climate mitigation funding up by 38%
Climate budget tagging enables KP to track critical allocations to manage climate change: it reveals a 38% increase in allocations for mitigation action in FY 2022-23 led to
Plugging PKR 192 billion in funding gap
Thorough analysis enabled KP to identify PKR 192 billion in federal receivables that had not yet been paid. KP successfully retrieved PKR 42 billion through NFC reconciliation for NMDs, recalculation of hydel power profits, and FBR and KPRA cross-input reconciliation

Better oversight of PKR 380 billion spend by PSEs
An integrated portal enhances transparency in the management of PKR 380 billion of public funds by 171 public sector entities
An enduring solution to solid waste chaos
SNG’s end-to-end policy cycle support is providing a low-cost indigenous model to manage solid waste with TMA Bahrain and WSSC Babuzai leading the way