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Press Release

Peshawar, June 11, 2020

The KP Finance Department today organized a virtual pre-budget consultation for the participation of the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and experts in the provincial budget making process by indicating their preferences and proposing focus areas for budget. The event was supported by the FCDO funded Sub-National Governance-II programme which aims to strengthen governance to help improve provision of basic services for the poorest and the most vulnerable, including women/girls and other marginalized groups. 

Peshawar, June 15, 2020

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Department has published its Annual Budget Strategy Paper (BSP) FY 2020-21 with the assistance of FCDO-funded Sub-National Governance Programme has developed and published Budget Strategy Paper for FY2020-21. This is a milestone towards transparent and accountable governance.

Peshawar, March 11, 2020

The Sub-National Governance Programme (SNG) is launching the first round of the Innovation Challenge Fund (ICF) to support Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government in improving Public Finance Management and expanding fiscal space. In this connection, the Programme held an orientation for prospective young entrepreneurs and IT experts from Peshawar at the Institute of Management Sciences (IM Sciences) Peshawar.

Peshawar, March 13, 2020

The Sub-National Governance Programme (SNG) is launching the first round of the Innovation Challenge Fund (ICF) to support Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government in improving Public Finance Management and expanding fiscal space. In this connection, the Programme held a consultation session with civil society representatives from the KP aiming their support in facilitating marginalized especially women’s access to the local government service delivery through the SNG’s Innovation and Challenge Fund (ICF). The fund will be launched later this month to help the KP government in strengthening policies ultimately resulting in more revenues, better financial management, and inclusive and accountable governance mechanisms.

Peshawar, March 3, 2020

The UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) (FCDO) funded Sub-National Governance Programme (SNG) held a training workshop for financial management officers of higher education, social welfare and finance department on the implementation of Integrated Budget Call Circular (IBCC) and PIFRA systems (a financial management system for keeping track of allocations and expenditures). Implementation of IBCC and PIFRA will bring efficiency and transparency in these departments and will also help in autonomous decision making.